Which type of automatic gate is best for me: sliding or swing?
When it comes to choosing gates, you need to ask whether you’re a slider or a swinger?
While there’s something pretty special, or even grand, about swinging gates, sliding gates are very popular for their economic use of space.
Before we compare sliding or swinging gates for your property in Darwin or Palmerston, let’s answer a common question we get: what is the typical speed of an automatic sliding gate?
The short answer is, it depends on the gate motor, motor cost, and installation type as well as the settings on the unit. However, in most cases the speed of an automatic gate motor can be from half a metre per second to a full metre per second.
How’s the serenity? Yes, the modern electric gate motors we supply are so quiet, you’ll still be able to hear the birds.
Sliding automatic gates
The choice between sliding or swing gates, comes down to a number of things, including, the location of your gate motor in relation to your fence or house.
And another consideration is whether you want to use your existing gate or build a new one.
And that’s where sliding gates have the upper hand. If you already have a sliding gate system then a solar sliding or 240 volt sliding gate is worth continuing on with.
They take up less room when opening and closing and are safer when it comes to beam location.
As an added bonus, it is quite possible this will be cheaper that swinging gates, depending on the location of the property.
Swinging automatic gates
We’ll sound mysterious here, but a swing gate can be less expensive in some ways and more expensive in others.
Compared to sliding gates, two gates need to be fabricated rather than one, which involves more material and labour.
Also, two motors are required to be installed and that means there’ll need to be cabling between the two.
However, at the other end of the spectrum, if you were to be converting from manual swinging gates to electric sliding gates, it can be very expensive to have the clearing and concreting work done.
We hope these points have helped you think more about your decision, however, we’re here to help you get clear about the best options for you. Just contact us via our Online Priority Contact Form.